If you click on this link, you will leave the Volkswagen AG website. Volkswagen AG does not adopt the pages of third parties accessible via the link as its own and is not responsible for their content. Volkswagen has no influence on which data is collected, stored or processed by you on this site. You can find more detailed information on this in the privacy statement of the provider of the external website.
If you generally do not have an actual contractual relationship with Volkswagen AG, and if you are, for example, a recipient of donations, visitor, guest, representative of an organisation without a commission, lottery participant, non-commissioned influencer, scholarship holder, study subject, non-commissioned agent or fan, you can find information on the next page on how you can exercise your rights in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in relation to Volkswagen AG.
This group also includes data subjects with a special role relationship as part of legal relationships and contractual obligations (e.g. parties in litigation, representatives of the authorities who act on the basis of matters under public law, notaries, lawyers, representatives of notaries, surveying offices, real estate buyers/sellers/prospective buyers, leaseholders and lessors, licencees and licensors, renters and landlords, lessees and lessors).
You shall have the right to obtain information regarding the processing of your personal data. The following figure will explain the procedure of requesting and obtaining access to your personal data.
How are identification and legitimation effected?
Once we have received your request, we will try to identify you through our systems. Volkwagen AG has accepted your request. If our system cannot identify you immediately, you will receive a request for identification. The possibility of identification is available for four weeks and is provided by our partner Deutsche Post, PostIdent Service see at:
If you have made a request relating to vehicle data, a legitimation is necessary. For this purpose, you must provide the relevant documents such as vehicle identification number and proof of ownership when making a request.
How long does the research take?
The processing period for a request is at least one month and a maximum of three months after receipt.
How is the feedback done?
Once your request has been processed, you will receive a reply by digital or postal means.
The vehicle identification number (VIN) is an internationally standardized, 17 character identifier unique to any motor vehicle. This identifier is depicted in the registration certificate as well as in several places on each vehicle (common sites for this certificate are the engine compartment or behind the wind screen). Based on your VIN and keepership period, Volkswagen will provide you with the personal data related to your vehicle in your information report. We kindly ask you to only include vehicles manufactured by Volkswagen or Volkswagen commercial vehicles in your information request.
Reference: Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bundesministerium des Innern - Bundesdruckerei GmbH
The present illustrations are modified versions. The reference refers to the original document without redaction.
You will find the VIN of your vehicle in your registration certificate part 1 section E.
The specified keepership period is the time interval for which you want to receive information about your personal data which are associated with your VIN. For this keepership time frame, you must provide corresponding documentation.
You can upload up to five files. As documentation verifying the keepership time frame, Volkswagen AG will accept the following documents
- Vehicle Registration Certificate - Part 1 (Vehicle Registration document)
- Vehicle Keepership Title issued by a licensing agency
Insofar as both these pieces of documentation have not been issued in your name, we will require that you submit a Declaration of Consent from the vehicle keeper who is designated by name on the keepership verification documentation. The respective forms of consent can be found in the Download-Area.
In accordance with the principle of data economy, we would like to point out to you that you may redact information on documents which we do not require for the processing of a transaction. Please refer to the Download-Area in the Information Sheet on the Redaction of Unrequired Data on Verification Documents for information on what you can make unrecognisable.
You can request access to your personal data linked with your central Volkswagen ID user account, including the associated digital services (e.g. We Park, Volkswagen Connect), by stating your Volkswagen ID in our web form for information request (privacy.volkswagen.com/request). In our web form for information request (privacy.volkswagen.com/request) you can obtain information on your personal data stored in the central Volkswagen ID user account, including the associated digital services (e.g. We Park, Volkswagen Connect), by stating your Volkswagen ID in accordance with Art. 15 GDPR. For this we need the e-mail address you have entered as your Volkswagen ID. It will be used for a double opt-in procedure: an e-mail will be sent to the specified e-mail address with a request for confirmation. In this case your request will only be processed once you have clicked on the corresponding confirmation link. Please note that the link expires after 48 hours. In the event of a missing confirmation, the Volkswagen ID will not be used to identify your personal data.
If you want to enter several Volkswagen IDs, please file another request for information.
Please also note the possibility of independently viewing, editing or deleting your personal data processed within the scope of digital services provided by Volkswagen AG. The following services offer this range of functions:
- Volkswagen ID Portal incl. the digital services linked to it (vwid.vwgroup.io)
- VW Connect, WE Connect, Car-Net (connect.volkswagen.com)
You shall have the right to demand that we correct your personal data, which are incorrect and/or incomplete.
This can, for example, be due to incorrect information in your master data, for which no further proof usually has to be provided in the case of a correction.
If you want to change your name, e.g. by marriage, you will need documents that document this change.
How can you exercise this right?
For your request please use our web form or the contact details below.
You shall have the right, in the event that the requirements specified in Art. 17 GDPR have been met, to demand the erasure of your data. This is, for example, the case if the data is no longer required for the purpose for which it was originally collected. Additionally, you may request erasure, if the processing is based upon the consent which you have granted and you then withdraw this consent.
We recommend that you submit a request to exercise your right to erasure. In this case, please contact us with the deletion request with your request and the request ID from the previous information request.
If you do not make a prior request for information, please describe your request for erasure, if possible the concrete processing, stating your data (at least: first name, surname, address, date of birth) to us.
How can you exercise this right?
For your request please use our web form or the contact details below.
You shall have the right to demand the restriction of the processing if the requirements specified in Art. 18 GDPR have been met. This is, for example, the case if you dispute the correctness of your personal data. For the duration of the verification of the correctness of the data, you may demand the restriction of the processing.
How can you exercise this right?
For your request please use our web form or the contact details below.
Insofar as the processing is undertaken based upon an overriding interest or your data are used for the purposes of direct advertising, you shall have the right to object to the processing of your data. An objection shall be permissible pursuant to Art. 21 GDPR if the processing either is carried out in the public interest or in the exercising of official authority or owing to a justified interest of Volkswagen AG or of a third party. In the event that you object, we request that you state your reasons to us regarding why you are objecting to the data processing. In addition, you shall have the right to object to the data processing for the purposes of direct advertising. This shall also be valid for profiling insofar as this is undertaken in conjunction with the direct advertising.
How can you exercise this right?
For your request please use our web form or the contact details below.
Insofar as the data processing is undertaken based upon a consent or a fulfilment of a contractual agreement and this is also undertaken while using an automated processing system, you shall have the right, pursuant to Art. 20 GDPR, to receive your data in a structured, commonplace and machine-readable format and to transfer these data to another data processing service provider.
How can you exercise this right?
For your request please use our web form or the contact details below.
If the data processing is based on a consent, you have the right to revoke the data processing in the context of a consent with effect for the future at any time free of charge.
How can you exercise this right?
For your request please use our web form or the contact details below.
You shall also have the right to lodge a complaint to a government supervisory authority (e.g. to the State Data Protection Officer for Lower Saxony, Germany) regarding our processing of your data.
Your contact: Volkswagen Customer Care - Privacy Team
GERMANY Tel.: +49 (0) 5361-9-15010 +49 (0) 800-8932836724889 (0800-VWDATENSCHUTZ) Tel. int.: 00800-8932836724889 (00800-VWDATENSCHUTZ) e-mail: privacy@volkswagen.de